Saturday, April 14, 2007

How to reach beyond the core group?

  • Do "market research" - ask interested people who aren't part of the core group for their opinions as to what you should do, to reach others. And listen.

  • Recognize that, to the extent that you convey to the public that joining your movement entails joining a different cultural "tribe" (and internalizing its other beliefs and values), the public will stay away. Tribal identification is powerful, primal stuff.

  • Think about how innovations spread, e.g.:
    "Solar Cookers International (SCI) found that, in every village they went into, it was the same story: there were a few "hippies" among the inhabitants who would try anything new; they might be given a free cooker to test. The relatively rich among the inhabitants looked on disdainfully, pretending to ignore the whole thing; but if the cookers worked, the rich would usually buy them. The rest of the villagers only watched the rich. When these village elite began using the cookers, the rest of the village followed suit."

  • ?

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